Purpose: Establishes Contractor network standards for all Contractors.
Opening Reason: To update network standards to align with Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) reporting timeframes to measure ALTCS facilities and to update process requirements for the Contractor. Attachment A will be revised to remove the Multi-Specialty Interdisciplinary Clinic (MSIC) tab. Attachment B will be developed as the new MSIC attachment. Attachment C is being developed to specify requirements for Request for Exception to Network Standards Process.
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Purpose: Establishes Contractor network standards for all Contractors.
Opening Reason: To update network standards to align with Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) reporting timeframes to measure ALTCS facilities and to update process requirements for the Contractor. Attachment A will be revised to remove the Multi-Specialty Interdisciplinary Clinic (MSIC) tab. Attachment B will be developed as the new MSIC attachment. Attachment C is being developed to specify requirements for Request for Exception to Network Standards Process.
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